Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Having looked at how the Malaysian Hockey Federation is being run after the amendments to its constitution that were carried out in September last year, there is two things that one can deduce - either people in MHF are totally ignorant of what a constitution is or they are running the MHF as if it belongs to them, with no respect to the document.

This is because, some of iys committees has changed the term of office for its members, from the four year term to two years, alternating with those who are not on the bandwagon for the initial period. There is no such provision in the constitution. And its a wonder why the committees are not being told that they cannot do as they like.

It is also spelt out loud and clear that the composition is eight members, and some have included 10 members, by making provisions for the Secretary and Treasurer ( In this case I mean the Umpires Committee).

Next thing we know is that paid employees of the MHF are also being appointed onto committees, so please go and learn from FAM, paid employees are merely there to carry out the insructions, and are not there to vote. They can be appointed as Secretaries of Committee, but that too is subject to the Hon. Secreary or the Assistant.

Now can someone within MHF please advice the President that these appointments are ultra vires of the constitution.