Friday, February 3, 2012


Encroaching the rights of a body that has complete jurisdiction with regards to hockey in a state is tantamount to challenging the authority of the recognised hockey body.

And that is precisely what the 1 MAS Steering Committee stands accused of doing in making changes to the structure in Penang without consultations with the state HA.

It is learnt that there is trouble looming with a veiled threat email dispatched from the island questioning the motives of the decision taken by the Steering Committee.

It is indeed baffling that personalities from the Steering Committee who are supposedly experienced have made a decision and despatched it directly without going through the proper channels.

It was only six months ago that the Chairman of the Steering Committee sent what can be described as a show cause letter to a state HA official who happened to be a MHF Vice President.

And the funny thing is that MHF or it's affiliates cannot question nor be allowed to query the accounts of 1MAS with the MHF Treasurer not even be allowed to sit in the Steering Committee as a member.

So what is so special about 1MAS or the Steering Committee?

God sent I suppose...